Business explorer 1 : teacher´s book / Gareth Knigth; Mark O´neil; James Hunter
by Knigth, Gareth [Autor] | O´neil Mark | Hunter James. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: The United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 K71.
Dolphin music / Antoinette Moses
by Moses, Antoinette [Autor]. Edition: [s.e.]Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 813.30876 M911.
Advanced grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of english / Martin Hewings
by Hewings, Martin. Edition: 4a. ed. Publisher: Reino Unido : Cambridge University Press, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1), Biblioteca USU (3). Checked out (2). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 H599, Col. en otros idiomas 428 H599.
English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of english / Raymond Murphy
by Murphy, Raymond. Edition: 5a. ed. Publisher: Reino Unido : Cambridge University Press, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1), Biblioteca USU (2). Checked out (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 M978, Col. en otros idiomas 428 M978 .
Discussions that work : Task-centred fluency practice / Penny Ur
by Ur, Penny [Autor] | Ur, Penny. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1981Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428.2 U7, Col. en otros idiomas 428.2.
Grammar practice activities : A practical guide for teachers / Penny Ur
by Ur, Penny [Autor] | Ur, Penny. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428.2 U7, Col. en otros idiomas 428.2.
Dictation : New methods, new possibilities / Paul Davis
by Davis, Paul [Autor] | Davis, Paul. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421.5 D385, Col. en otros idiomas 421.5.
Grammar in use : reference and practice for intermediate students of english / Raymond Murphy
by Murphy, Raymond [Autor]. Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428.2 M877.
Pronunciation pairs : An introductory course for students of english / Ann Baker
by Baker, Ann [Autor] | Baker, Ann. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 B354, Col. en otros idiomas 428.0.
Speaking clearly : Pronunciation and listening comprehension for learners of english student`s book / Pamela Rogerson
by Rogerson, Pamela [Autor] | Rogerson, Pamela. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421 R644, Col. en otros idiomas 421 R644.
Pronunciation tasks : a course for pre-intermediate learners Student`s book / Martin Hewings
by Hewings, Martin [Autor] | Hewings, Martin. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421 H495, Col. en otros idiomas 421 H495.
Pronunciation tasks : a course for pre-intermediate learners Teacher`s book / Martin Hewings
by Hewings, Martin [Autor] | Hewings, Martin. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421 H495, Col. en otros idiomas 421 H495.
Pronunciation for advanced learners of english : Student`s book / David Brazil
by Brazil, David [Autor] | Brazil, David. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421 B739, Col. en otros idiomas 421 B739.
Pronunciation for advanced learners of english : Teacher`s book / David Brazil
by Brazil, David [Autor] | Brazil, David. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (4), Biblioteca USU (2). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421 B739, Col. en otros idiomas 421 B739.
Ese noble sueño : tomo I / La objetividad y la historia profesional norteamericana / Peter Novick
by Novick, Peter [Autor] | Novick, Peter. Material type: Book Publisher: [s.l.] Cambridge University Press 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1). Location(s): Colección General 907.0.
Ese noble sueño : tomo II / La objetividad y la historia profesional norteamericana / Peter Novick
by Novick, Peter [Autor] | Novick, Peter. Material type: Book Publisher: [s.l.] Cambridge University Press 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1). Location(s): Colección General 907.0.
Instructor`s manual to accompany : Business communications international case studies in english / Drew Rodgers
by Rodgers, Drew [Autor] | Rodgers, Drew. Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 R634, Col. en otros idiomas 428 R634.
English for international negotiations / Drew Rodgers
by Rodgers, Drew [Autor] | Rodgers, Drew. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 R634, Col. en otros idiomas 428.0.
Business communications : International case studies in english / Drew Rodgers
by Rodgers, Drew [Autor]. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 428 R634, Col. en otros idiomas 428 R634.
Academic writing : Exploring processes and strategies / Ilona Leki
by Leki, Ilona [Autor]. Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (3), Biblioteca USU (3). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 421.5 L455, Col. en otros idiomas 421.5 L455.