Munday, Jeremy

Introducing translation studies : theories and applications / Jeremy Munday - 4a. ed. - New York : Routledge, 2016 - xvi, 376 p. : gráficos ; 25 cm.

Incluye Lista de figuras y tablas, lista de abreviaciones
Incluye índice pág. 361

Incluye bibliografía pág. 328

MAIN ISSUES OF TRANSLATION STUDIES. The concept of translation; What is translation studies?; An early history of the discipline; The holmes/toury map; Developments since holmes; The van doorslaer map; Discipline, interdiscipline of multidiscipline. TRANSLATION THEORY BEFORE THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Introduction; Word-for-word or sense-for-sense?; Early chinese and arabic discourse on translation; Humanism and the protestant reformation; Fidelity, spirit and truth; Early attempts at systematic translation theory: dryden, dolet, tytler and Yan Fu;Schleiermacher and the valorization of the foreing; Towards contemporary translation theory. EQUIVALENCE AND EQUIVALENT EFFECT. Introduction; Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and equivalence; Nida and the science of translating; Merwark: semantic and communicative translation; Koller: equivalence relations; Later development in equivalence. STUDYING TRANSLATION PRODUCT AND PROCESS. Introduction; Vinay and darbelnet`s model; Catford and translation shifts; Option, markedness and stylistic shifts in translation; The cognitive process of translation; Ways of investigating cognitive processing. FUNCTIONAL THEORIES OF TRANSLATION. Introduction; Text type; Translation action; Skopos theory; Translation-oriented text analysis. DISCOURSE AND REGISTER ANALYSIS APPROACHES. Introduction; The hallidayan model of language and discourse; House`s modelo of traslation quality assessment; Baker`s text and pragmatic level analysis: a coursebook for translators; Hatim ans Mason: the levels of context and discourse; Crisiticism of discourse and register analysis approaches to translation. CULTURAL AND IDEOLOGICAL TURNS. Introduction; Translation as rewriting; Translation and gender; Postcolonial translation theory; The ideologies of the theoriests; Translation, ideology and power in other contexts. THE ROLE OF THE TRANSLATOR: VISIBILITY, ETHICS AND SOCIOLOGY. Introduction; The cultural and political agenda of translation; The position and positionality of the translator; The sociology and historiography of translation; The power network of the translation industry; The reception and reviewing of translations. PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACHES TO TRANSLATION. Introduction; Steiner`s hermeneutic motion; Ezra pound and the energy of language; The task of the translator: Walter Benjamin; Deconstruction. NEW DIRECTIONS FROM THE NEW MEDIA. Introduction Audiovisual translation; Localization, globalization and collaborative translation; Corpus-based translation studies. RESEARCH AND COMMENTARY PROJECTS. Introduction; Consilience in translation studies; Research projects in translation studies.



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