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The phantom of the opera / Gaston Leroux

by Leroux , Gaston [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: Newsbury: Express Publishing, 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 808.83872 L476. Place hold
100 people who changed América / Russell Freedman

by Freedman, Russell [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: New York : Scholastic Inc, 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 920 F853. Place hold
A chef in the family / Dawn McMillan

by McMillan, Dawn [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1), Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 M65, Col. en otros idiomas 820 M65. Place hold
A row of lamps / Paul Mason

by Mason, Paul [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1), Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 M376, Col. en otros idiomas 820 M376. Place hold
A whisper of roses / Teresa Medeiros

by Medeiros, Teresa [Autor].

Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: Bantam Books, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 813.3 M434. Place hold
African cats / Vanessa York

by York, Vanessa [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1), Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 790.138 Y675, Col. en otros idiomas 790.138 Y675. Place hold
Alexander Hamilton / Russell P. Smith

by Smith, Russell P [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: Washington : America's National Park Press, 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 920 SM642. Place hold
All Tutus Should Be Pink / Sheri Brownrigg

by Brownrigg, Sheri [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New york : Scholastic Inc, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 B885. Place hold
Angels walk / Kathleen Carrol

by Carrol, Kathleen [Autor].

Material type: book Book Publisher: Canadá: Harlequin Books, 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 813 C377. Place hold
Apple Trouble! / Ragnhild Scamell

by Scamell, Ragnhild [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York : Scholastic Inc, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 SCA283. Place hold
Beethoven lives upstairs / Barbara Nichol; ilustración Scott Cameron

by Nichol, Barbara [Autora] | Cameron, Scott [ilustradora].

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: New York : Orchard Books, 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 920 N595. Place hold
Butterfly Spring / Robin Koontz

by Koontz, Robin [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York : Scholastic Inc , 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 K82. Place hold
By balloon to the Sahara / Douglas Terman; ilustración Paul Granger

by Terman, Douglas [Autor] | Granger, Paul [ilustrador].

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: New York : Bantam books, Inc, 1979Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 T319. Place hold
Calvin and hobbes / Bill Watterson

by Watterson, Bill [Autor].

Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: Scholastic, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (2). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 741.5 W388. Place hold
Captain Cat / Sid Hoff

by Hoff, Syd [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York : Scholastic Inc , 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 H698. Place hold
Clara Barton / Wil Mara

by Mara, Wil [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: New York : Children's Press, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 920 B920. Place hold
Con fidence / Todd Strasser

by Strasser, Todd [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: Scholastic, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (2). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 813 S773. Place hold
Cork & Fuzz / Dori Chaconas; ilustración Lisa McCue

by Chaconas, Dori [Autora] | McCue, Lisa [ilustradora].

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: New york : The Penguin Group, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 820 C431. Place hold
Destination saturn / Karen Alexander

by Alexander, Karen [Autor].

Edition: 1a. ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Central SM (1), Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 790.138 A449, Col. en otros idiomas 790.138 A449. Place hold
Did columbus really : discover America? / Peter Roof, Connie Roop

by Roop, Peter [Autor] | Roop, Connie.

Edition: 1a. ed. Publisher: New York : Scholastic, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca USU (1). Location(s): Col. en otros idiomas 810 P478. Place hold
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