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Cork & Fuzz / Dori Chaconas; ilustración Lisa McCue

Por: Chaconas, Dori [Autora].
Colaborador(es): McCue, Lisa [ilustradora].
Editor: New york : The Penguin Group, 2005Edición: 1a. ed.Descripción: 32 p. ; 23 cm.ISBN: 0142407259.Tema(s): ANIMALES | LIBRO DE LECTURAClasificación CDD: 820 Resumen: Cork is a muskrat. Fuzz is a possum. From their first meeting in a hollow log to playing pin-the-tail-on-the-turtle, from collecting rocks to dodging falling pinecones, Cork and Fuzz are always up to something unusual. The gentle humor and simple story will entertain beginning readers, while warm, expressive illustrations add just the right amount of visual cues to help them along.
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Cork is a muskrat. Fuzz is a possum. From their first meeting in a hollow log to playing pin-the-tail-on-the-turtle, from collecting rocks to dodging falling pinecones, Cork and Fuzz are always up to something unusual. The gentle humor and simple story will entertain beginning readers, while warm, expressive illustrations add just the right amount of visual cues to help them along.

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