Slade, Tim

The elearning designer’s handbook : a practical guide to the elearning development process for elearning designers / Tim Slade - 2a. ed. - [S.l.] : Independently published, 2020 - 225 p. ; ilustraciones

WHATS IS ELEARNING? Types of elearning; Benefits of eLearning; eLearning design & development processes. HOW PEOPLE LEARN. How does learning occur?; Adult learning theory; Principles of instruction. PLAN THE PROJECT. When is training the answer; Conduct a needs analysis; Recommend a solution; Conduct a kickoff meeting; Create a project plan; Draft a project plan. DESIGN A LEARNING SOLUTION. What is design?; Collect the learning content; Define the learning objectives; Determine the training modalities; Create a design document. DRAFT A STORYBOARD. What is an eLearning storyboard?; Create a course outline; Write the first draft of your storyboard; Review & edit your storyboard. DEVELOP THE COURSE. Select an eLearning authoring tool; Develop a prototype; Types of eLearning prototypes. INCORPORATE INTERACTIVITY. Benefits of interactive eLearning; Consideration for creating interactivity; Click-to-reveal interactions; Decision-based interactions. INCREASE LEARNING RETENTION. Cognitive load theory; Design slides to be visually engaging; Show the concepts you’re trying to explain; Design an intuitive user interface. LAUNCH & MEASURE YOUR COURSE. Conduct a quality assurance check; How to deliver your course; Four levels of evaluations.


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