Richards, Jack C

Interchange full contact 2 / - 4a. ed. - New York Cambridge 2013 - 161 p.

A TIME TO REMEMBER. People; childhood; memories. CAUGHT IN THE RUSH. Transportation; Transportation problems; City services. TIME FOR A CHANGE! Houses and apartments; Lifestyles changes; wishes. I´VE NEVER HEARD OF THAT. Food; Recipes; Cooking instructions. GOING PLACES. Travel; Vacation; Plans. OK. NO PROBLEM! Complaints; Household chores; Requests. WHAT´S THIS FOR. Technology; Instructions. LET´S CELEBRATE! Holidays; Festivals; Customs. TIMES HAVE CHANGED! Life in the past, present, and futire; Changes and contrasts; Consequences. I HAVE WORKING ON WEEKENDS. Landmarks and monuments; World knowledge. WHAT HAPPENED? Storytelling; Unexpected recent past events. GOOD BOOK, TERRIBLE MOVIE! Entertainment; Movies and books; Reactions and opinions. SO THAT´S WHAT IT MEANS! Nonverbal communications; Gestures and meaning; Signs. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Money; Hopes; Predicaments. WHAT´S YOUR EXCUSE? Requests; Excuses; Invitations false"" Priority=""39"" SemiHidden=""true"" UnhideWhenUsed=""true"" QFormat=



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