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The Home-Run King / Joanna Korba; ilustración Paul Casale

Por: Korba, Joanna [Autora].
Editor: China : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2008Edición: 1a. ed.Descripción: 16 p. ; 20 cm.ISBN: 9780547253527.Tema(s): BIOGRAFÍA | LIBRO DE LECTURAClasificación CDD: 920 Resumen: To self one of the biggers days in hank´s life was when he broke the home- run record. write a paragraph about a big day in your life. tell what you did that caused other thing to happen.
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To self one of the biggers days in hank´s life was when he broke the home- run record. write a paragraph about a big day in your life. tell what you did that caused other thing to happen.

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