Goldstein, Ben

American big picture A2 elementary student´s book / Ben Goldstein - 1a. ed. - México, D.F. Richmond 2012 - 168 p.

ONE WORLD. Present simple: to be; This/that/these/those; Position of adjectives. MY LIFE. Present simple: have; Possesives ´s; Present simple: I, You, We, They. DAYS TO REMEMBER. Frequency adverbs; Present simple: 3rd person singular; Like/love/have + -ing. HOME LIFE. There ir/ there are+ a/an, Some, any; Prepositions of place; Urban places. A REAL ACHIEVEMENT. Can/can´t for ability permission & possibility; Imperatives; -ly adverbs. SHOPPING AROUND. Present continuos; present continuos & present simple. GOING PLACES. Past simple: to be; Past simple: regular & irregular verbs; Uses of the past simple. IN THE NEWS. Past simple: irregular verbs & time expressions; Verbs+ to + infinitive; Sequencers. HUNGRY PLANET. Countable &uncontable noun; Quantifiers: too much/ many, a lot of, a few, etc; Food & drink. STATE OF THE ART. Comparities adjectives; Going to; Personal Pronouns. A WORKING LIFE. Superlative adjectives; Will/won’t; will & might. LISTMANIA!. Present perfect: have you ever…?; Present perfect & past simple; Review of verbsExcep



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