Rogers, Mickey

Reading styles student´s book / Mickey Rogers, Angela Llanas - 1a. ed. - México, D.F. Macmillan 2008 - 143 p.

DONT STOP THE MUSIC. Identifying intent and text types; Prediction; General vocabulary related to Reading. PEOPLE AND PERSONALITY. Recognizing cognates; Prefixes,suffixes; Part of speech. BRIGHT IDEAS. Inferring meaning from context; Using a bilingual dictionary; Relative clauses. SPORTS. Predicting the topic identifying main ideas; Synonyms, antonyms; Present and past perfect. LOVE AND DATING. Recognizing key words; Recognizing cognates; Word webs; Conditionals. FAME AND INFAMY. Skimming; Finding the main idea; Recognizing words related to the topic; Recognizing words relates to the main ideas; Sequencing connnectors. SCIENCE FOR BETTER, OR WORSE? Scanning for specific information; Separating fact and opinión; Words that signal opinions; Passive voice. AGAINST ALL ODDS. Note taking; Scanning for details; Abbreviations; Perfect participples. TEENS AND THE MEDIA. Inferring infirmation; Interpreting graphs, charts and tables; Words related to graphs, statistic and charts; Modals of deduction. Literature. MANAGING DIFFICULT TEXTS. Personal pronouns, demostratives; Pronoun reference(pronoun reference). OUR PLANET. Cohesion through connectors; Conncetors of cause-effect, addition and contrast; Punctuation and placement of connectors. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Classification; Words that signal exemplification and clasification or definition; The –ing form. ENTREPRENEURS. Idenyifying main ideas and suppoting details; Identifiying the topic sentence; Nouns and verbs with the same form; nouns and verbs with the same form. CONTEMPORARY ART – IS IT ART? Making an outline; summarazing text; Collocation- nous as adjective; Review of verbs forms. THE FUTURE. Review of Reading strategies



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