Mosteller, Frederick

Probability with statistical applications / Frederick Mosteller, Robert E Rourke, George B Thomas - [s.l.] Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1961 - 478 p.

Escrito en idioma inglés. Bibligrafía p. 471. Indice p. 473

PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS THE STUDY OF VARIABILITY. Probability and statistics; Interpretations of probability; Illustrations of probabilistic models. PERMUTATIONS, COMBINATIONS, AND THE BINOMIAL THEOREM. Permutations: the multiplication principle; Formulas for permutations; Combinations. A FIRST LOOK AT PROBABILITY: EQUALLY LIKELY OUTCOMES. A sample space of an experiment; A sample space of an experiment; Probabilities in a finite sample space. GENERAL THEORY OF PROBABILITY FOR FINITE SAMPLE SPACES. Sample space and probability; Independent events. Conditional probability. NUMBERS DETERMINED BY EXPERIMENTS RANDOM VARIABLES. Random variables and their probability functions; Mathematical expectation of a randon variable: population mean; Mean of a function of a random variable. JOINT DISTRIBUTIONS AND CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTIONS. Joint probability function of two randon variables; Probability graphs for continuous random variables: probabilities represented by areas. REPEATED TRIALS WITH TWO TYPES OF OUTCOMES: THE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION. Examples of binomial experiments; Extension of the binomial experiment to n trials; Expected value of a binomial randon variable. SOME STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS OF PROBABILITY. Estimacion and the testing of hypotheses; Estimating p, the binomial probility of success. THEORY OF SAMPLING VARIANCES OF SUMS AND OF AVERAGES. Calculation of the distribution of a sum; The variance of the sum of two independent random variables; Variance of the sum and of the average of several variables. LEAST SQUARES, CURVE-FITTING, AND REGRESSION. Curve-fiting; The method of least squares; Fitting a line through the origin. COLLECTIONS OF OBJECTS: SETS. The notion of a set; Two ways of specifying sets; Universal set and subsets.


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