Rogers, Mickey

Open mind level 1 / Mickey Rogers - 1a. ed. - Tailandia Macmillan Education 2010 - 143 p.

AROUND THE WORLD. Online, survey;  using polite language; understanding forms. K WHAT DO YOU DO. An informal conversation;  talking about family;  categorizing. DOWN TIME.  Magazine article; listerning to a radio show; asking for opinions.  DAY IN, DAY OUT.  An interview; writing complete sentences; managing your time. HERE, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE. Descriptions; listening to a news repo; writingan e-mail. DIFFERENT STROKERS. Talking to an old friend; subject+verb+object; making personal change. YOU HATE TALENT!. Horoscope; writing a reference; working as a group to do a task. SHOPPING A ROUND. Completing a survey; using and, or, but; making choices. LET`S EAT. Restaurant ads; using phone language; writing about a restaurant. SPEAKING OF THE PAST. Reading a survey; informal conversations; taking notes on a text. GREAT LIVES. Encyclopedia entry; taking time to think; writing a short biography. IN THE NEAR FUTURE.  Reading a post; talking about resolutions; making a learning plan



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