Seal, Bernard

Life in society : reading, study skill and writing / Bernard Seal - New York Cambridge University Press 2010 - xix, 248 p. - Academic Encounters .

BELONGING TO A GROUP. MARRIAGE, FAMILY, AND THE HOME . The family today; Alternative lifestyles; How we learn to behave.THE POWER OF THE GROUP. The influence of culture; Peer group pressure; Crowds. GENDER ROLES. Growing up male or female. Bringing up boys and girls; Fairy-tale lessons for girls; Learning gender lessons at school.GENDER ISSUES TODAY. Balancing home and work.  ITS NOT SO EASY BEING MALE. Inequality at work. MEDIA AND SOCIETY. MASS MEDIA TODAY. The role of mass media; What is newsworthy?; Reporting the facts. THE INFLUENCE OF THE MEDIA. Privacy and the media; Internet issues; Propaganda and the media.BREAKING THE RULES. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. Deviance and crime; Who commits crime?; Computers and crime.CONTROLLING CRIME. What’s steps us from committing crimes?; Prisons; The death penalty.CHANGING SOCIETIES. CULTURAL CHANGE. Cultural variation and change; Subcultures and cults. Changing communication. GLOBAL ISSUES. Population change; Flight to the cities; The environment.



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