Murphy, Raymond

Basic grammar in use : Reference and practice for students of english / - 1a. ed. - New York Cambridge University Press 2002 - 264 p.

PRESENT. Am/is/are. Am/is/are (Questions). I am doing (Present continous). PAST. Was/Were. Worked, got, went,etc.(simple past). I didnt...did yo..? 8simple past negative and questions). PRESENT PERFECT. Have yo ever...? (present perfect). How lomg have you...?. For,since,and go. PASSIVE. Is done was done (passive 1). Is being done and has beeb done (passive 2 ). VERB FORMS. Be, have, and do in present and past tenses. Regular and irregular verbs. FUTURE. What are you doing tomorrow?. Im going to...Will(1). MODALS,IMPERATIVES,ETC. Mights. Can and could. Must. THERE AND IT. There is/are. There was/were, there has been/have been, there will be. It. AUXILIARY VERBS. I am, Idont, etc. You have?/ hace you?/ you are?/ are you?,etc. Too/either and so am i/neiter do i, etc. QUESTIONS. Is it...?, have you...?,do they...?,etc. Who saw you? Who did you see?. who is she talking to? what is it like?. REPORTED SPEECH. She said that... He told me that...,etc. ING AND TO... Work/working, go/going, do/doing. To...(i want to do)= and-ing (i enjoy doing). Iwant you to... and i told you to... GO, GET,DO,MAKE AND HAVE. Go to ... go on... go for... go-ing. Get. Do and make. PRONOUNS AND POSSESSIVES. I/me, he/him, they/them,etc. My/his/their,etc. Whose is this? its mine/yours/hers,etc. A AND THE. A/an... flower(s) and bus (es)(singular and plural). A car, some money (countable and uncountable 1). DETERMINERS AND PRONOUNS. This/these and that/those. One/ones. Some and any. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. Old nice, intersting,etc. (adjectives). Quickly, badly, suddenly,etc. (adverbs). Old/older an expensive/ more expensive. WORD ORDER. He speaks english very well. (word order 1). Always/usually/often, etc. (word order 2). Still,yet,and already. PREPOSITIONS. At 8 oclock, on monday,in april,etc. From... to,until,since,and for. Before,after,during,and while. TWO-WORD VERBS. Go in, falloff,runaway,etc. (two-word verbs 1). Put on your shoes amd put your shoes on (two-word verbs 2). CONJUNCTIONS AND CLAUSES. And,but,or,so,and because. When... If we go...,if you see...,etc.



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