Hewings, Martin

Advanced grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of english / Martin Hewings - 4a. ed. - Reino Unido : Cambridge University Press, 2023 - xxiii, 293 p. : ilustraciones ; 26 cm.

Incluye glosario pág. 212
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TENSES. Present continuous and present simple: state verbs and performatives; Using present continuous and present simple; Past simple and present perfect; past continuous and past simple; Past perfect and past simple; Present perfect continuous and present perfect; Past perfect continuous, past perfect and past continuous; Present and past time; review. THE FUTURE. Will and be going to; Present simple and present continuous for the future; Future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous; Be to + infinitive, be about to + infinitive; Other ways of talking about the future; The future seen from the past. MODALS AND SEMI-MODALS. Can, could, be able to and be allowed to; Will, would and used to; May and might; Must and have (got) to; Need(n´t), don´t need to and don´t have to; Should, ought to and had better. LINKING VERBS, PASSIVES, QUESTIONS. Linking verbs: be, appear; seem, become, get, etc; Using passives; Forming passive sentences: objects, complements and multi-word verbs; Negative questions; echo questions; questions with that-clauses. VERB COMPLEMENTATION: WHAT FOLLOWS VERBS. Verbs, object and complements; Verbs + two objects; Verbs + ing forms and infinitive. 1. REPORTING. Reporting people´s words and thoughts; Reporting statements: that-clauses; Verb + wh-clause. NOUNS. Agreement between subject and verb; Compound nouns and noun phrases. ARTICLES, DETERMINERS AND QUANTIFIQUERS. A/an and one; A/an, the and zero articles; Some and any. RELATIVE CLAUSES AND OTHER TYPES OF CLAUSES. Relative pronouns; Other relative words: whose, when, whereby, etc; Prepositions in relative clauses. PRONOUNS, SUBSTITUTION AND LEAVING OUT WORDS. Reflexive pronouns: herself, himself, themselves, etc; One and ones; So and not as substitutes for clauses, etc. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. Position of adjectives; Gradable and non-gradable adjectives: using adjectives with adverbs; Participle adjectives and compound adjectives. ADVERBIAL CLAUSES AND CONJUNCTIONS. Adverbial clauses of time; Giving reasons: as, because, etc; for and with; Purposes and results: in order to, so as to, etc. PREPOSITIONS. Prepositions of positions and movement; Between and among; Prepositions of time. ORGANISING INFORMATION. There is, there was, etc; It as subject; It as object. GRAMMAR IN ACADEMIC CONTEXTS. Complex noun phrases and complex prepositions; Expressing and reporting opinions: ir-clauses; Linking ideas in academic writing and speech.


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