Seligson, Paul

Essential american english 5 : Teacher´s guide Upper-intermediate - 1a. ed. - México, D.F. Richmond publishing 2010 - 136 p.

LIFE CRISIS!. I though I'd walk into a well-paid job; It got her thinking. HAPPY FAMILIES? I take after my dad; You can look it up in the dictionary. LIFE SINCE WEB 2.0. José felt really embarrased; Three strange men arrived. TRADING PLACES. She was slowly getting usted to the cold; Finnish coffe is unbelievably strong. THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER. If you get to the airport on time, the plane is late.; If you outside, I'll freeze.; If you were an actor, you'd have a very streddful life. GOING AWAY. I'n having a party next Saturday; Its starst at 9 p.m; Marc will turn up at 10. THE FIRST JOB I EVER HAD WAS. I enjoyed the movie we watched last night; The only person online was Lee,who was answering e-mails. WHITE LIES. It's never Ok to lie, is it?; You don't tell lies, do you?. CASUAL FRIDAY. She told me she's going to Chile next week; They asked me when I was starting that job. CASH ON THE SIDE. He stopped to have coffee; he He stopped smoking last year. THE SHAPE OF THING TO COME. It will be 10 degrees warmer; By 2050 everybody will be Reading electronic boook; The population will have a doubled. TESTING TIMES. It  could have happened to anyone; He must have remembered me. I AM WHAT I AM. Kim's in college  in Chicago; I have a new e-mail address; Dubai is in the UAE. MAN-FLU. Could you help me?; Do you know if there are any problems;do you mind staying at a cheaper hotel?. THE ART OF THE STREET. I've sent over a hundred e-mails today; It's only we'd had more time. CHANGING TIMES. I wish I had my own car; If only we'd had more time. GADGET MANIA. If you'd been there, you would have loved it; If I'd had more money, I could have bough that ring. ARTIST AT WORK!. An exhibition was held in London; He taught Congo to paint. LIVE TONIGHT!. She was going to come to lunch, but she's changed her mind; The meeting was to start at 7 p.m; They were leaving later that afternoon. HOW TECHNOLOGY CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I have very Little free time now; There's plenty of milk; There were hardly any passengers on the train. ANY VOLUNTEERS?. Many cheetahs are killed by hunters. Most meat is cooked before we eat it. REALITY TV RUINED MY LIFE!. If I were billionaire, I'd buy my own island. MY AVATAR AND ME. Bill is just as crazy as his brother!; My dad is much older tan my mon. THE INTERNET GENERATION. Althoug we didn't have any tickets, we went along anyway; Even though we are working incredibly Hard.we don't



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