Goldstein, Ben

New american framework resource book 3 Ben Goldstein - 1a. ed. - México, D.F. Richmond publishing 2011 - 96 p.

SEXIST ATTITUDES?. Givin opinions. THE NEW YOU. Talking about oneself. HOUSING EXPERIENCES. Talkiin about houses. THE APARTMENT DEBATE. Discussion with roommates.AT THE DOCTOR´S. discussing health problems & giving advice. A SYMPATHENIC EAR. Offering sympathy. WHICH DETERRENT?. Reagind & discussing texts. MAY I ASK?. Direct & indirect questions. CHEAT!. Talking about education. STUDYWORK. Vocabulary related to education. MOVIE BUFF QUIZ. Talking about movies. EXTREMES. Adjectives for describing people/movies. GUILTY OR INNOCENT. Reporting verbs. VERBAL MUGGING. Vocanulaty related to crime. DILEMMAS. Practicing conditionals. HOW POLITICALLY AWARE ARE YOU?.  Vocabulary related to politics. HELPING THE WORLD. Reviewing future forms. ALL IN THE MIND.  Expressions with mind. HEAVEN AND HELL. Describing people. COMPOUNDING THE PROBLEM. Compound adjectives. MUSIC QUIZ. Talking  about music. POP IDOL. Understading songs. WHAT´S YOUT PERSONALITY TYPE. Talking about oneself. "I'VE NEVER BEEN TO ME". Expressing regret. WORD BUILDING AND WORD STRESS (I). Word stress with suffixes and prefixes. SILENT CONSONANTS. Pronounces words with silent consonants. PRONUNCIATION & SPELLING. Predicting  pronunciation od new words theough spelling. SOUNDING NATURAL & POLITE. Intonation and polite request. STRONG & WEAK FORMS. Weak and strong forms of auxiliaries and modals. SILENT VOWELS. Pronouncing  words with silent vowels. SOUNDING GRATEFUL OR ANNOYED. intonation when expressing emotions. WORD BUILDING & WORD STRESS (II). Word stress with suffixes and prefixes. STRESSED & UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES. Practicing Word stress. PRONOUNS, ARTICLES, CONJUCTIONS. Weak and strong forms. HOMOPHONES. Identifying and using homophones. PREPOSITIONS & SENTENCE STRESS. Practicing pronunciation of prepositions



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