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It´s only goodbye : an inmigrant story / Virginia T. Gross; ilustración Larry Raymond

Por: Gross, Virginia T [Autora].
Colaborador(es): Raymond, Larry [ilustrador].
Editor: New York : Scholastic Inc., 1990Edición: 1a. ed.Descripción: 54 p. ; 19 cm.ISBN: 0590673041.Tema(s): INMIGRACIÓN -- HISTORIA | LIBRO DE LECTURAClasificación CDD: 820 Resumen: As ten-year-old Umberto and his father are on their way from Italy to America in 1892, the father is thrown into the ship's brig and Umberto must fend for himself.
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As ten-year-old Umberto and his father are on their way from Italy to America in 1892, the father is thrown into the ship's brig and Umberto must fend for himself.

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