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Apple Trouble! / Ragnhild Scamell

Por: Scamell, Ragnhild [Autor].
Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: New York : Scholastic Inc, 2007Edición: 1a. ed.Descripción: 28 p. : ilustraciones ; 20 cm.ISBN: 978545049351.Tema(s): READERS -- FANTASY | READING BOOKClasificación CDD: 820 Resumen: Hedgehog has finished building a cozy nest for winter. Unfortunately, a ripe apple falls from the tree above and gets stuck in her spines, making it impossible for her to fit in her new digs. She has several friends to whom she can go for advice, but their instructions simply make her situation worse. She ends up with other bits and pieces stuck to her body in addition to the apple -- including nuts, a pear, a dried leaf, and some berries. Then she meets another animal that is able to ease her situation by eating everything stuck to her. Bright spreads reveal the harried hedgehog and her helpers. Blooming flowers and the summer green of the trees belie the fact that it's time to hibernate, but kids won't mind this anomaly.
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Hedgehog has finished building a cozy nest for winter. Unfortunately, a ripe apple falls from the tree above and gets stuck in her spines, making it impossible for her to fit in her new digs. She has several friends to whom she can go for advice, but their instructions simply make her situation worse. She ends up with other bits and pieces stuck to her body in addition to the apple -- including nuts, a pear, a dried leaf, and some berries. Then she meets another animal that is able to ease her situation by eating everything stuck to her. Bright spreads reveal the harried hedgehog and her helpers. Blooming flowers and the summer green of the trees belie the fact that it's time to hibernate, but kids won't mind this anomaly.

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