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Sales and marketing / Virginia Evans

By: Evans, Virginia.
Contributor(s): Dooley, Jenny | Vickers, Craig.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Berkshire: Express Publishing, 2015Edition: 1a. ed.Description: 42 p.: Ilustraciones; 29 cm.ISBN: 9781471540462.Subject(s): MARKETING | VENTAS -- INGLÉS | INGLÉS TÉCNICODDC classification: 428 Summary: Sales; Marketing; Types of sales 1; Types of sales 2; The marketing mix 1; The marketing mix 2; Product descriptions; Product details 1; Product details 2; Distribution and pricing; Payment options; Costs and profit; Describing change; Describing benefits; The marketing and sales force.
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428 EV92 MBA english 428 EV92 MBA english 428 EV92 Sales and marketing / 428 EV92 Sales and marketing / 428 EV92 Sales and marketing / 428 F834 Focus on grammar : 428 F873 Attitude Student's Book 1 /

Sales; Marketing; Types of sales 1; Types of sales 2; The marketing mix 1; The marketing mix 2; Product descriptions; Product details 1; Product details 2; Distribution and pricing; Payment options; Costs and profit; Describing change; Describing benefits; The marketing and sales force.

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