Richards, Jack C

Methodology in language teaching an anthology of current practice / Jack C Richards - 1a. ed. - New York Cambridge 2011 - 422 p.

APPROACHES TO TEACHING. English language teaching in the post-method era: toward better diagnosis, treatment, and assessment; Theories of teaching in language teaching. LESSON PLANING AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT.Lesson planning; Classroom management; CLASSROOM DYNAMICS. Implementing cooperative learning; Mixed-level teaching: tiered tasks and bias tasks. SYLLABUS DESING AND INSTRUCTORIAL MATERIALS. The ELT curriculum: a flexible model for a changing world; The role of materials in the language classroom: finding the balance. TASK AND PROJECT WORK. Implementing task-based language teaching; Project work: a means to promote language and contend. LEARNING STRATEGIES. Language learning strategies in a nutshell: update ESL suggestions; Learner strategy training in the classroom: an action research study. TEACHING FRAMMAR. Seven bad reasons for teaching grammar-and two good ones; Addressing the grammar gap in task work; Grammar teaching-practice or consciousness-raising?. TEACHING PRONUNCIATION. Beyond listen and repeat: pronunciation teaching materials and theories of second language acquisition; PractTESOL: it´s not what you say, but how you say it! TEACHING SPEAKING. Factors to consider: an interactive, collaborative, and reflective approach; Developing discussion skills in the ESL classroom. TEACHING LISTENING. Listening in language learning; The changing face of listening; Raising students awareness of the features of real-world. TEACHING VOCABULARY. Current research and practice in teaching vocabulary; Best practice in vocabulary teaching and learning. TEACHING READING. Dilemmas for the development of second language reading abilities; Teaching strategic reading; Extensive reading: why aren’t we all doing it?. TEACHING WRITNIG. Ten steps in planning a writing course and training teachers of writing; the writing process and process writing; A genre-based approach to content writing instruction. ASSESSMENT. Alternative assessment: responses to commonly asked questions; Nontraditional forms of assessment and response to student writing: a step toward learner autonomy; English proficiency test: the oral component of a primary school. TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CLASSROOM. Video in the ELT classroom: the role of the teacher; The internet for English teaching: guidelines for teachers; What can the world wide web offer ESL teachers?. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. The English teachers as professional; Developing our professional competence: some reflections; research in your own classroom



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