Montalván, Ruth G

How about : Science and technology reports. Video segments / Ruth G Montalván - Washington, D.C. English Language Programs Division [s.f.] - 81 p.

VIDEO CASSETTE A SEGMENTS (SCRIPTS AND LESSONS). Wired hockey players. Sandblasting without sand. Composite materials. BEE BAGGIES. Computers for counseling. Fire fighters school. Moving continents. DUCKS VIA SATELLITE. Mechanical oyster harvester. Hot vents. Hydrogen sponge. COMPUTER CELL GROWHT. Mural of time. Peregrine falcon. River modeling. COMPUTER READS X RAYS. Zooplankton. Truss frame house. Turkey dinners. VIDEO CASSETTE B SEGMENS (SCRIPTS AND LESSONS). Chinchillas & hearing loss. Fire protection from space. Traking the gray whale. Communicating with a parrot. Coaching by computer. Seeing close up. Little salt spring lake. Records in mud. March of the spiny lobster. Permanent teeth implants. Natural meteorite collector. Nose of the garfish. Animals called sponges. Frazil ice. Cockroach on a treadmill. Chicken`s day. Rarest mammal. Blue duikers. Diagnosis vía crying.


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