Raimes, Ann

How english works : A grammar handbook with readings / Ann Raimes - 1a. ed. - New York Cambridge University Press 1998 - 389 p.

BASIC SENTENCE STRUCTURE. Subject and predicate. Phrases and clauses. Questions and negatives. NOUN PHRASES. Proper nouns. Countable and uncountable nouns. Articles. VERB PHRASES. Verb phrases. Verb tenses: overview. Verb tenses: past. Verb tenses: present and future. Modal auxiliaries. Active and passive. Verb forms: summary. MODIFIERS. Adjectives and noun modifiers. Adverbs and frequency adverbs. Comparisons. AGREEMENT. Subject-verb agreement. Pronouns and pronoun reference. VERBALS. Infinitives. Ing forms (gerunds and modifiers). Participle forms (-Ed/-en forms). CONNECTING SENTENCES. Coordinating conjunctions. Transitions. COMBINING SENTENCES. Adjectival clauses. Noun clauses and reported speech. Adverbial clauses: time, place, reason, result, purpose, contrast. Adverbial clauses: conditions. PRICIPLES OF WRITTEN DISCOURSE. Style. Puntuation.



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