Jenson, Jane

Production, space, identity : Political economy faces the 21 st century / Jane Jenson - Toronto Canadian Scholars Press Inc 1993 - 400 p.

POST FORDIST PRODUCTION: THREAT AND PROMISE. Post fordist industrial restructuring: some policy implications. Technological change and the global relocation of production in textiles and clothing. Flexible specialization: what´s that got to do with the price of fish. POLITICS: IDENTITY AND SOLIDARITY. All the world´s a stage: ideas, spaces and times in Canadian political economy. The political foundations of state regulation in Canada. Labor movement strategies in the era of free trade: the uneven transformation of industrial relations in the North American automobile industry. SPATIAL HORIZONS: RECONFIGURING THE MAP. Greening the new Canadian political economy. Regional trading blocs. Financial desregulación: disarming the nation state.



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