Ito, Nina

Take care : communicating in english with health care workers / Nina Ito, Christopher Mefford - 1a. ed. - Ann Arbor, Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 2023 - xvi, 235 p. : fotografías ; 28 cm.

Incluye discusión por unidad

TALKING WITH PATIENTS. Meeting patients; Self introductions; Interacting with patients; Non-verbal communication; Culture point: smiling. MANAGING DIFFERENT TYPES OF PATIENTS. Working with the elderly; Comprehension checks; Working with young people; Invented words or euphemisms; Culture point: caring for children. TALKING WITH FAMILY MEMBERS. Reporting to families; Rephrasing language; Answering question about visiting hours; Discussing visiting hours; Culture point: Physical contact. COMMUNICATING WITH COLLEAGUES. WORKING WITH COLLEAGUES. Helping with tasks; Referring to others; Interacting in general; Clarification requests for meaning; Culture point: Saying no. WORKING WITH DOCTORS AND SUPERVISORS. Understanding others on the job; Repetition request; Interacting with supervisors; Apologizing; Culture point: Working under supervision. CLIENT INFORMATION. MAINTAINING A PATIENT RECORDS. Charting; Soliciting information; Filling out forms; Double-checking information; Culture point: Fate. EXCHANGING INFORMATION DURING SHIT CHANGES. Reporting live patient handovers; Clarification request; Giving shift reports; Listening to instructions; Culture point: Finish work on time. AROUND THE FACILITY. KNOWING FACILITY LOCATIONS. Learning locations; Describing the functions of locations; Getting around the facility; Asking for and giving directions; Culture point: Giving feedback. BEING SAFE ON THE JOB. Managing accidents; Reporting an accident or event; Handing emergencies; Following phone conversations; Culture point: Giving praise. CARING FOR CLIENTS. PROVIDING ASSISTANCE. Giving instructions; Checking for understanding; Providing everyday needs; Offering help; Culture point: Yes and no answer. MONITORING PATIENTS. Identifying symptoms and remedies; Discussing options; Giving medications; Correcting someone; Culture point: Losing face. HANDLING EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. Dealing with angry or violent patients; Dealing with complaints; Coping with death and dying; Expressing condolences; Culture point: Confusion with idioms.


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