Booth, Thomas

English for everyone : english phrasal verbs / Thomas Booth, Ben Ffrancon Davies; consultores Peter Dainty, Emerita Susan Barduhn - 1a. ed. - New York : Dorling Kindersley Limited DK, 2021 - 256 p. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.

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DESCRIBING PEOPLE AND THINGS. People and things; Family; Relationships; Visiting people; Socializing; Clothing; Before and after. EVERYDAY LIFE Everyday life; Transportation; Shopping; The weather; Technology; Crime, the law and politics; Monery; Time; Past and future; Making plans; The senses; Movemente and progress. WORK AND SCHOOL. Studying and research; At school; At work; Careers; Business; Numbers and amounts; Success and failure. HOME AND FREE TIME. At home; Chores; Cooking; Food and drink; Free time; Health; Sports and exercise; The arts; Travel. COMMUNICATION. Talking; Reading and writing; Keeping in touch; Thoughts and ideas; Explaining things; Truth and lies; Encouragement. EMOTIONS AND SITUATIONS. Agreeing and disagreeing; Opinions and arguments; Emotions; Negative emotions; Making mistakes; Accidents and damage; Problems and solutions; Secrets and surprises. COMMOM VERBS. Come, make, and do; Get and set; Go; Put, take, and give; Exclamations.


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