Scrivener, Jim

Visual grammar pre-intermediate B1 - 1a. ed. - Reino Unido: Richmond, 2014 - 176 p.: il.; 28 cm.

I CAN. REFER TO PEOPLE AND THINGS. Nouns, pronouns, pronoun reference; helicopter, wáter, shoes; I/me, he/ him, we/ us. MAKE SENTENCES WITH GOOD WORD ORDER. Grammatical terms: subjetc, object, verb, SVO Word order; the actors sang ‘Happy Birthday’; Martha gave Tom a great book. MAKE SIMPLE DESCRIPTIONS. Adjectives; It´s freezing!; It´s beautiful! USE MORE THAN ONE ADJECTIVE IN MY DESCRIPTIONS. Adjective order; This is a famous 16th-century house; Its has beautiful black and White walls. TALK ABOUT PEOPLE´S FEELINGS AND OPINIONS. –ed/ -ing adjectives; Are you frightened?; yes! This film is really frightening!. SAY HOW ‘STRONG’ SOMETHING IS. Adverbs of degree; It´s fairly hot; It´s pretty hot; It´s extremely hot. TALK ABOUT EXTREMES. Gradable and ungradable adjectives; It´s extremely big; it´s absolutely wonderfu. MAKE MY DESCRIPTION MORE INTERESTING. Noun phrases; The Street light at the corner of 14th Street and Pearl Street a friendly man in a space alien costume. DESCRIBE ACTIONS. Adverbs (compared with adjectives) The customers are ordering very slowly; The Petersens always arrive late. ASK AND ANSWER ABOUT LARGE QUANTITIES. Much, many, a lot of. Lots of, loads of, plenty of; We´ve got plenty of toasters; there´s so much noise!. TALK ABOUT DIFFERENT QUANTITIES. All, every, most, the whole, several, a couple, none, both, a few, a litle, no; The whole town centre was affected; A couple of drivers started fighting. REFER TO THINGS WITHOUT REPEATING THEIR NAME. one, ones; I´ve bought a guidebook. Do you want one?; I want some of these souvenirs! Which ones do you fancy?. TALK ABOUT PEOPLE/THINGS WHEN I DON´T KNOW EXACTLY WHO OR WHAT THEY ARE. Indefinite pronouns: someone, somebody, something, not + anyone, not + anybody, not + anything, no one, nobody, nothing; Do you think that anybody lives here?; nothing´s going to happen to us! Nobody´s here!. NAME GROUPS OF PEOPLE. Collective nouns; The audience, the Company, the army, our class. SAY WHICH PERSON I´M TALKING ABOUT BY SAYING WHAT THEY ARE DOING. –ing clauses; Mrs Ashe is the old woman sitting at the table; Can you see the men walking and talking by the fountain?. IDENTIFY A PERSON OR THING BY GIVING MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THEM OR IT. Relative clauses with who, that, where and which; A martian is an alien who lives on Mars. An FTL shp is a spaceship which flies faster than the speed of light. IDENTIFY A PERSON BY GIVING MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THEM. Relative clauses with who; The man who recommended the THS45X is a computer engineer. I´ve met the artists who painted Night Lightning.



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