Goldstein, Ben

New american framework resource book 2 Ben Goldstein - 1a. ed. - México, D.F. Richmond publishing 2011 - 104 p.

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOU; practice of  question forms. NEW YORK, NEW YORK. Listening and speaking practice. YOUR PERFECT PARTNER. Fluency practice for describing people. GREEN CARD. Past tenses and question forms. GIVE US A JOB. Understading letter format. HIGH FLIERS. Practice of the present perfect. SPORTSWORD. Review of sports vocabualry. WHAT'S THE RULE?. Modal verbs: obligation and permission. CRUMMY HOTELS. Review  of vacation vocabulary. PREDICT YOUR LIFE.  Practice  of superlatives. WORLD MENU. Review  of food  vocabulary. FAVORITE BRANDS. Question forms. IRREGULAR VERB GAME. Review of past tenses. CREATE YOUR OMN SCANDAL. Past tense story. I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE. Listen to a song. TEXT MESSAGES. Practice of cell pone acronyms. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF..?. Practice  of the second conditional. QUIZ. Question forms with relative clauses. FUN LINGO!. Common conversational experssions. FASHION VICIM. Review of clothes  and descriptions. GERUND OR INFINITIVE. Review of gerund and infinitive. DRIVING IN MY CAR. Listen to a song. TABOO. Vocabulary  review. PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTIONS. highlight pronunciation and spelling differences. THAT IS THE QUESTION. Practice question forms. STRESS AND RHYTHM. Practice stress, intonation and rhythm. SILENT LETTERS. Review silent letters. WORD GAME. Review words which are often mispronounced. VOWEL QUIZ. Review vowels sounds and minimal pairs. LEARNING  TO LISTEN.  Focus on stressed words and intonation in along passage. SPELLING. Review spelling  and pronunciation. HOMOPHONES. Identify and use homophones. TELLING STORIES. Review -s/-es and -ed endings. PRONUNCIATION GAME. Review words which are often pronounced



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