Miller, Judy L

Longman academic reading series 3 : reading skills for college / Judy L Miller - 1a. ed. - New York Pearson education 2014 - 243 p.

BUSINESS: STEVE JOBS, INNOVATOR AND CEO. The extraordinary life of Steve Jobs; The pixar story; The map of innovation. PSYCHOLOGY: FEARS AND PHOBIAS. When does a fear become a phobia?; Case studies; Treatments for phobias. NUTRITION STUDIES: FOOD RULES. An interview with Michael Pollan; Bad food? Tax it, and subsidize vegetables; Humane treatment for the animals we  eat. MEDICINE: PIONEERS AND HEROES. The hippocratic oath- a modern versión; The invisible enemy; That mothers might live. AMERICAN LITERATURE: ERNEST HEMINGWAY’S “INDIAN CAMP”. Indian camp-part I; Indian camp- part II; Hemingway’s style. ART HISTORY: THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH. A biography of vincent van Gogh (1853-1890); The letters of Vincent Van Gogh; Portrait of Dr. Gachet: a timeline. FORENSICS: SCIENCE AND FICTION. Basic principles of forensics; The forensics use of DNA. PREHISTORY: FROM WOLF TO DOG. More tan man’s best friend; Domesticating wolves; Frisky to the rescue in huricane Katrina. EDUCATION STUDIES; OVERCOMING INEQUALITIES. Savage inequalities: children in america’s schools; The autobiography of Malcom X. Where i learned t oread. SOCIOLOGY: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. The global context; Sociological theories of crime; Person programs that work fal



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