Silverman, Jay

Rules of thumb / Jay Silverman - 7a. ed. - New York McGraw-Hill 2006 - 203. p.

THE BASICS: SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, AND GRAMMAR. A Word about Correctness; Commonly Confused Words; One Word or Two?; Spelling; Capitalization; Abbreviations and Numbers; Apostrophes; Consistent Pronouns; I vs. Me, She vs. Her, He vs. Him, Who vs. Whom; Vague Pronouns; Recognizing Complete Sentences; Period or Comma? Run-on; Sentences and Sentence Fragments; Commas; Semicolons; Colons; Dashes and Parentheses; Quotation Marks; Titles: Underlines, Italics, or Quotations Marks; Shifting Verb Tenses; Verb Agreement; Word Endings: -s and –ed; Tangled Sentences. PUTTING A PAPER TOGETHER. What to Do When You’re Stuck; Addressing Your Audience; Writing with a Thesis; Finding an Organization for Your Essay; Paragraphs—Long and Short; Transitions; Incorporating Quotations; How to Make a Paper Longer (and When to Make It Shorter); How to Work on a Second Draft; Shortcuts for “Word”; Proofreading Tips; Format of College Papers; Special Case: Writing an Essay in Class; Special Case: Writing about Literature. THE RESEARCH PAPER. Seven Steps to a Research Paper; How to Conduct Research; Feature: Sizing Up a Website; Getting Information Online and at the Library; Feature: When You Find Too Few or Too Many Sources; Writing the Research Paper; Feature: PowerPoint Presentations; Plagiarism (Cheating); What Is Documentation?; Feature: Where to Find Specific Entries for Works Cited, References, and Bibliography; Documentation: The MLA Style; Documentation: The APA Style; Documentation: The Chicago Style (Footnotes). STYLE. Keeping a Journal; Adding Details; Recognizing Clichés; Eliminating Offensive Language; Trimming Wordiness; Using Strong Verbs; Varying Your Sentences; Finding Your Voice; Postscript; A List of Valuable Sources; About the Authors; Index; Troubleshooting Guide.



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